About this site

We all know that a designer's portfolio site is never really complete. Over the years this site has iterated as it's fulfilled different needs; the technology has evolved to best reflect those. Personally, this portfolio site has been a way to design and build something nimbly and experiment with new technologies.



Added an HTML CV that prints as a one-page PDF.


This site was last rebuilt in 2022 using the static site generator Jekyll and using Boostrap directly from the CDN. I've written just 100 lines of SCSS (accessing the Bootsrap variables using CSS variables). It is hosted on GitHub pages. I used this technology to make it lightweight and easy to update.


My portfolio site was created as an Angular application that consumed content from headless CMS Contentful. Nifty set-up, but over-engineered solution for a simple portfolio site.


My portfolio site was created as an AngularJS application that consumed content from a JSON file. So the JSON file was my CMS. Quite liked this solution and have used something similar for POCs in the past - though updating a JSON file could be clunky.


My portfolio site was created as a Wordpress site. Over-engineered solution for a simple portfolio site.


A jQuery-based monstrosity!